jeudi 16 janvier 2014

Forum paysan du FIDA - IFAD Farmers’Forum

Forum paysan du FIDA - IFAD Farmers’Forum

Julie Flament, 13 janvier 2014
"The Farmers’ Forum, born in 2005, is an on-going, bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue among small farmers’ and rural producers’ organizations (FOs), IFAD, and governments, focused on rural development and poverty reduction. Engagement with rural organizations at field level, and dialogue at regional and international levels, are articulated as mutually reinforcing processes. Fully aligned with IFAD’s strategic objectives, and rooted in concrete partnership and collaboration at national and regional levels, the Forum meets every two years for global consultation, in conjunction with IFAD’s Governing Council. The forthcoming global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum will be held between 17 and 20 February 2014.
In celebration of the International Year of Family Farming 2014 – an initiative declared by the UN General assembly, promoted by the World Rural Forum and supported by over 360 civil society and farmers’ organizations – IFAD will sponsor a Side Event on Family Farming, as well as a Special Session on Small-scale Fisheries."
More information on the IFAD website
Plus d’information sur le site web du FIDA

Source: Collectif Stratégie Alimentaire

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